Mila Đisalov

Mila Djisalov


Zvanje: Istraživač-pripravnik u oblasti prirodno-matematičkih nauka – hemija-biohemija

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Mila Đisalov je diplomirani biohemičar i master molekularne biologije. Trenutno je student doktorskih studija biohemije na Prirodno-matematičkom fakultetu u Novom Sadu i istraživač-pripravnik na Institutu BioSens. Njena glavna istraživačka interesovanja vezana su za razvoj biosenzora i molekularnih alata za detekciju patogena, ćelijska poljoprivreda i razvoj laboratorija na čipu. Mila je takođe jedan od osnivača studentske grupe The BioSense Alt. Protein Project, osnovane na Institutu BioSens.




1. IPANEMA – Integration of PAper-based Nucleic acid testing mEthods into Microfluidic devices for improved biosensing Applications
2. REALSENSE1 – Monitoring of cell culture parameters using sensors for biomass and nutrients/metabolites in media: Lab-on-a-Chip (LOC) approach, 2019-2021; Good Food Institute 2018 Competitive Grant Program
3. REALSENSE2- FROM LAB-ON-A-CHIP TO CUSTOM BIOREACTOR: SCALE UP MODELING STUDY, 2019-2021; Good Food Institute 2018 Competitive Grant Program
4. DRAGON – Data Driven Precision Agriculture Services and Skill Acquisition
5. CYBELE- Fostering precision agriculture and livestock farming through secure access to large-scale HPC-enabled virtual industrial experimentation environment empowering scalable big data analytics
6. PARSEC – Promoting the internAtional competitiveness of European Remote Sensing companies through Cross-cluster collaboration
7. NANOFACTS- Networking Activities for Nanotechnology-Facilitated Cancer Theranostics
8. PRECAST- Prediction of Cancer Treatment Effectiveness with Stimuli-responsive Nanomaterials
9. DIBMES- Razvoj i integracija mikrofludičnih biosenzora kao alata za monitoring bezbednosti mesa u kontinumu farma-klanica
10. The BioSense Alt. Protein Project – Student group
11. KOMUNALT- Unapređenje znanja i komunikacionih veština naučnika u oblasti alternativnih proteina
12. Razvoj magnetnih senzora za brzu detekciju serotipova Salmonella uobičajenih u Srbiji i Portugalu
13. Razvoj biljnih jestivih mikronosača i skafolda tj. 3D nosača za ćelije u cilju primene u ćelijskoj poljoprivredi tj. proizvodnji kultivisanog mesa putem tkivnog inženjerstva
14. MicoLabAptaSens-Microfluidic Lab-on-a-Chip platform for fast detection of pathogenic bacteria using novel electrochemical aptamer-based biosensors

1. Djisalov M., Knežić T., Podunavac I., Živojević K., Radonić V., Knežević N., Bobrinetskiy I., Gadjanski I. Cultivating Multidisciplinarity: Manufacturing and Sensing Challenges in Cultured Meat Production. Biology 2021, 10(3), 204.
2. Omerović N., Djisalov M., Živojević K., Mladenović M., Vunduk J., Milenković I., Knežević N., Gadjanski I., Vidić J. Antimicrobial nanoparticles and biodegradable polymer composites for active food packaging applications. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety. 2021; 1-28.
3. Radonić V., Birgermajer S., Podunavac I., Djisalov M., Gadjanski I., Kitić G. 2019. Microfluidic Sensor Based on Composite Left-Right Handed Transmission Line. Electronics, 8(12), 1475. doi:10.3390/electronics8121475.
4. Mandić M., Radonić V., Kitić G., Janković N., Knezević N., Kojić V., Gadjanski I. 2019. Developing sensors for monitoring cell culture parameters: impedance-based biomass measurements in novel
microbioreactors. Book of Abstracts. 5th International Scientific Conference on Cultured Meat; Maastricht, The Netherlands, October 6-8, 2019, p. 30; conference presentation.
5. Gadjanski I, Radonic V, Knezevic N, Kitic G, Kojic V, Mandic M, et al. REALSENSE1 – Monitoring of cell culture parameters using sensors for biomass and nutrients/metabolites in media: Lab-on-a-Chip (LOC) approach. Good Food Conference; San Francisco, USA, Sep 5, 2019.