Miloš Pandžić

Position:Research trainee
Academic Rank: Research trainee in the field of technical/technological sciences -electronics, telecommunications and Information Technologies
Miloš Pandžić is a Junior Research Assistant whose interest includes several research fields: Earth observation, remote sensing, image processing and data analytics. He is currently enrolled as a PhD student of Geodesy and Geoinformatics at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade, where he also obtained his master and bachelor degree. In 2015 he received scholarship from the Government of Austria (OeAD) and spent 4 months at TU Vienna where he analysed geometric quality of Sentinel-2 satellite multispectral images. Outcome of this work was his master thesis. After graduation he worked at the Finnish Geospatial Research Institute (FGI) on several projects funded by Academy of Finland and European Space Agency (ESA). His main occupation was segmentation and change detection in satellite imagery related to agricultural activity, urbanization and deforestation. In 2018 he joined BioSense Institute where he works on data fusion of optical and radar images for yield prediction, crop classification, crop monitoring, etc. He is involved in several national and international projects including Antares, Cybele, Dragon, PARSEC, agROBOfood.
1. Machine Learning
2. Big Data Analytics
3. Knowledge discovery
4. Satellite imaging
5. Geospatial data analytics
6. AgroSense
7. BioSense Accelerator
8. Government
- Pandžić, M., Ljubičić, N., Mimić, G., Pandžić, J., Pejak, B., and Crnojević, V. (2020) A Case Study of Monitoring Maize Dynamics in Serbia by Utilizing Sentinel-1 Data and Growing Degree Days, ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., V-3-2020, 117–124,
- Pandžić, M., Tagarakis, A.C., Radonić, V., Marko, O., Kitić, G., Panić, M., and Ljubičić, N., (2019) ’Novel Proximal and Remote Sensing Approaches for Deriving Vegetation Indices: A Case Study Comparing Plant-O-Meter and Sentinel-2 Data’, In Proceedings of the European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture, Food and the Environment (Rhodes, 2019).
- Matikainen, L., Pandžić, M., Li, F., Karila, K., Hyyppä, J., Litkey, P., Kukko, A.,Lehtomäki, M., Karjalainen, M., and Puttonen, E. (2019) “Toward utilizing multitemporal multispectral airborne laser scanning, Sentinel-2, and mobile laser scanning in map updating”, J. Appl. Rem. Sens. 13(4) 044504
- Näsi, R., Viljanen, N., Kaivosoja, J., Hakala, T., Pandžić, M., Markelin, L., Honkavaara, E. (2017). ’Assessment of various remote sensing technologies in biomass and nitrogen content estimation using an agricultural test field’. ISPRS Int. Archm. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spat. Inform. Sci. 2017, XLII-3/W3, 137–141.
- Pandžić, M., Mihajlović, D., Pandžić, J., and Pfeifer, N. (2016). ‘Assessment of the geometric quality of Sentinel-2 data’, International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing & Spatial Information Sciences, 41, 489–494.