DRAGON -Data Driven Precision Agriculture Services and Skill Acquisition
Acronym: DRAGON
Implementation period: 01/10/2018 - 31/01/2022
GA number: 810775
Type of Project: Horizon 2020
Internet presentation: https://datadragon.eu/

Project aim: DRAGON project aims to contribute to overcoming main challenges in the field of precision agriculture (PA) – low rate of adoption of PA technologies and practices, especially concerning the “big data in agriculture”. BioSense Institute is the project coordinator, with the Wageningen University from the Netherlands and the Agri-Epi Centre from Scotland as project partners.
About the project: One of the main project goals is advancement in Science & Technology skills of the BioSense Institute, firstly in the area of multiscale data analytics from various sources such as satellites, mobile phones, devices related to the internet of things as well as data in the field of phenomics, genomics and metagenomics which comprise the data on morphological and genetic characteristics of plants and bacteria from soil.
Project also focuses on improving the communication of new research data and findings to the end users, primarily farmers, small and medium size agricultural companies as well as policy makers and other public institutions.
Project activities are focused on the young researchers from BioSense Institute, who participate in capacity-building short term visits to the partners institutions. Different types of seminars and workshops for researchers, students and the end users are going to take place in Serbia as well.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 810775.
1) Hyperspectral, Multispectral and Thermal Imaging
2) Robotics
3) Drone Imaging
4) Satellite imaging
5) Sentinel Data Hub
6) Geospatial data analytics
7) Knowledge discovery
8) Machine Learning
9) Feature Engineering
10) Deep Learning
11) Big Data Analytics