SISCODE – Society in Innovation and Science through CODEsign
Acronym: SISCODE
Implementation period: 01/05/2018 - 30/04/2021
GA number: 788217
Type of Project: Horizon 2020
Internet presentation:

Project aim: To understand co-creation as a bottom-up and design-driven phenomenon that is flourishing in Europe (in fab labs, living labs, social innovations, smart cities, communities and regions); to analyze favorable conditions that support its effective introduction, scalability and replication; and to use this knowledge to cross fertilize RRI practices and policies. To reach this aim SISCODE will: run a European study to compare co-creation ecosystems and describe effective dynamics and outcomes of the integration of society in science and innovation; experiment with design as a new system of competences capable to support the development of implementable RRI and STI solutions and policies; and understand the transformations needed to embed co-creation in STI policy making, overcoming barriers and resistance to change and considering organizational transformation.
About the project: Public Engagement (PE) and Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) have emerged, in the last decade, as the results of policies and initiatives demanding the early involvement of multiple actors, including the public, in science and innovation. Nevertheless, the early engagement of actors is facing many challenges, and PE rarely goes beyond the stage of consultation. On the other hand, the integration of co-creation in European STI policy and programs faces barriers such as: scarce understanding of co-creation among researchers and policy makers; “sectarianized” approach to STI policy making; lack of effective knowledge to cope with constraints that hamper the co-creation process. The introduction of design methodologies and tools is emerging as a valuable approach to deal with these problems, as design has been already recognized as key to operationalize co-creation in different fields. Thanks to an iterative process centered on prototyping – co-design effectively support co-creation to move from the ideation of new solutions and policies to their implementation.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement 788217.
1) Living Lab