Mirjana Radulović

Position:Research trainee
Academic Rank: Research trainee in the field of technical/technological sciences -electronics, telecommunications and Information Technologies
Mirjana Radulović is a Junior Research Assistant at the BioSense Institute with interests in remote sensing, geoinformatics, water resource management, agriculture, and the environment. She is currently enrolled as a Ph.D. student of Geosciences at the Faculty of Sciences, the University of Novi Sad where she also received her BSc (2017) and MSc (2018) in the field of hydrology and geoinformatics. During master studies, she spent five months at the Palacký University in Olomouc (Czech Republic) where she studied as a scholarship holder of the Erasmus+ Exchange Program. In March 2019 she joined the BioSense Institute where she works on applying geographical information systems and remote sensing tehnology for monitoring of irrigation, drought monitoring, crop monitoring, land use classification, groundwater monitoring, etc. She participates in several national and international projects related to these topics. Mirjana authored and co-authored several scientific papers and attended several scientific conferences.
1. Government
2. Satellite imaging
3. Sentinel Data Hub
4. Geospatial data analytics
5. Drone Imaging
6. Machine Learning
7. Big Data Analytics
- Ljubičić, N., Popović, V., Kostić, M., Radović, M., Radulović, M., Blagojević, D., & Ivošević, B. (2020). Association of canopy spectral reflectance indices and yield components of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). E-AGBIOL – International Agricultural, Biological & Life Science Conference in Edirne, 1-3 September, Edirne, Turkey
- Ljubičić, N., Radović, M., Kostić, M., Popović, V., Radulović, M., Blagojević, D., & Ivošević, B. (2020). The impact of ZnO nanoparticles application on yield components of different wheat genotypes. Agriculture & Forestry 66(2), 217-227 DOI: 10.17707/AgricultForest.66.2.19
- Radulović, M., Đorđević, T., Grujić, N., Pejak, B., Brdar, S., Savić, S., Pavić, D. (2020). Using GIS and Remote Sensing Techniques for Delineation of Groundwater Potential Zones – A Case Study of the Titel Municipality, Serbia. EGU general Assembly, European geosciences Union, Wien, May 3 th – 8 th 2020.
- Blagojević, D., Radulović, M., Gavrilov, M., Lukić, A., Santo, D., Marković, S. (2019): Residents’ perception of renewable energy sources – a case study: Temska village, Stara Planina Mountain (Eastern Serbia), Zbornik radova Geografskog instituta „Jovan Cvijić“, SANU, vol.69(3), pp. 271-278.
- Radulović, M., Leščešen, I., Pavić, D. (2014): Analysis of River regime and Water balance of the Temštica River Basin (South-East Serbia) during the 1980-2012 Period. Forum Geografic, XIII(2), 178-184.