Branislav Pejak

Position:Research trainee
Academic Rank: Research trainee in the field of technical/technological sciences -electronics, telecommunications, and Information Technologies
Branislav Pejak is a PhD student of Electrical Engineering at the Faculty of Technical Sciences, the University of Novi Sad, where he also received his BSc (2017) and MSc (2018) in the field of Biomedical Engineering. During his bachelor and master studies, he held a scholarship from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia. Since March 2018, Branislav has been working as a Junior Research Assistant at the Center for Information Technologies, BioSense Institute. His main research is data analytics on satellite images. Currently he is working on crop classification and crop yield prediction using time series of multispectral images and GAN machine learning framework. Within the project he is also working on many practical usages of ICT in agriculture such as smart soil sampling and fertilization, irrigation zone mapping, grain yield and protein content prediction etc. He is actively involved in many Horizon 2020 projects including Antares, Cybele, Dragon and AgRoboFood.
1. Machine Learning
2. Deep Learning
3. Big Data Analytics
4. Knowledge discovery
5. Satellite imaging
6. Geospatial data analytics
7. Government
- Pejak B., Pandžić M., Lugonja P., Marko O.: Accuracy assessment of early- and late-season crop classification using optical and SAR imagery, 7. International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of Environment, pp. 6-6, Paphos (Cyprus), March 2019.
- Pejak, B., Klasifikacija kultura na slikama sa Sentinel-2 satelita metodama mašinskog učenja. Zbornik radova Fakulteta tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu, 34(05), pp.974-977., 2019.