KATANA – Emerging industries as key enablers for the adoption of advanced technologies in the agrifood sector
Acronym: KATANA
Implementation period: 01/06/2016 - 31/12/2018
GA number: 691478
Type of Project: Horizon 2020
Internet presentation: https://katanaproject.eu/

Project Aim: KATANA is dedicated to supporting European SMEs and start-ups along the agri-food value chain to access knowledge, technology, capital, and markets in order to respond to the global competitive environment in the agri-food sector.
About the project: “KATANA – Emerging industries as key enablers for the adoption of advanced technologies in the agrifood sector” supports European SMEs in the agrifood value chain to simultaneously access knowledge, technology, capital, and markets in order to respond to the global competitive environment. KATANA aims to provide this access to companies by leveraging upon the multiplier potential of cross-border/cross-sectoral collaboration and the systemic approach which homogenizes services towards the overall aim to place new products/ services in the market.
KATANA proposes a systemic approach by combining (i) an innovative selection and funding scheme based on peer to peer evaluation and crowdfunding; (ii) a holistic portfolio of support services covering the entire KATANA lifecycle and (iii) three large scale demonstrators capitalizing upon emerging industries (eco-industries, mobile services and personalized health).
KATANA is a cluster-driven project, bringing together 7 active clusters of SMEs from all over Europe (from Scandinavia to Mediterranean and Balkans) covering the entire ecosystem, namely agriculture, food production and ICT/ emerging industries. At the same time a diverse and strong presence of five SMEs – technology providers within the consortium will guarantee that the technological infrastructure for the large-scale demonstrators will be delivered by actors who understand the needs of the community. The innovative selection method and the corresponding algorithms will be provided by an RTD organization with long experience in organizing and running Open Calls and competitions for SMEs.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 691478.
1) BioSense Accelerator