Nastasija Grujić

Position:Research trainee
Academic Rank: Research trainee in the field of technical/technological sciences -electronics, telecommunications and Information Technologies
Nastasija Grujić is a junior research assistant at the BioSense Institute and a PhD student in Geoinformatics at the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences. She finished her MSc (2018) and BSc (2017) studies in Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering. During the studies, she received two Dositeja awards for the top 800 and 400 students in the country (school years 2016/2017 and 2017/2018, respectively). In late 2018, she enrolled in PhD studies and started working at the BioSense Institute. During the studies, she was twice a guest researcher at the University of Wageningen, where she got acquainted with modeling complex and stochastic systems through agent-based simulation. Her particular research interest span a wide range of data analytics, machine learning, and geoinformatics which are used for better understanding and simulating the complex spatial systems through individual and agent-based simulations. She is involved in various national and international projects, including H2020 projects ANTARES, DRAGON, and BESTMAP.
1. Machine Learning
2. Big Data Analytics
3. Knowledge discovery
4. Satellite imaging
5. Geospatial data analytics
6. Government
- S Brdar, O Novović, N Grujić, H González–Vélez, CO Truică, S Benkner, E Bajrovic, A Papadopoulos (2019). Big data processing, analysis and applications in mobile cellular networks. In High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications (pp. 163-185). Springer, Cham.
- N Grujić, S Brdar, O Novović, M Govedarica, V Crnojević (2019, November). Evidence of urban segregation from mobile phone data: A case study of Novi Sad. In 2019 27th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
- O Novović, N Grujić, S Brdar, M Govedarica, V Crnojević (2020, April). Clustering Foursquare Mobility Networks to Explore Urban Spaces. In World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (pp. 544-553). Springer, Cham.
- N Grujić, O Novović, S Brdar, V Crnojević, M Govedarica (2019, March). Mobile Phone Data visualization using Python QGIS API. In 2019 18th International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA (INFOTEH) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
- M Radulović, T Đorđević, N Grujić, B Pejak, S Brdar, S Savić, D Pavić (2020, May). USING GIS AND REMOTE SENSING TECHNIQUES FOR DELINEATION OF GROUNDWATER POTENTIAL ZONES–A CASE STUDY OF THE TITEL MUNICIPALITY, SERBIA. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (p. 22150).