Dragana Blagojević

Position:Research trainee
Academic Rank: Research trainee in the field of technical/technological sciences -electronics, telecommunications and Information Technologies
Dragana Blagojević obtained BSc (2017) and MSc (2018) degrees in geography at the Faculty of Sciences in Novi Sad with a focus on geographic information systems and their use in the hydrological and geomorphological analysis. In October 2018, she enrolled in Ph.D. studies in Geosciences at the same faculty. She spent the summer semester of the master studies at the Palacký University in Olomouc (UPOL) in the Czech Republic, as a scholarship holder of the Erasmus+ Exchange Program where she studied at the Department of Geoinformatics. In January 2019 she joined BioSense Institute where she works as a Junior Research Assistant in the Centre for Information Technologies. Her research area is in the field of remote sensing, precision agriculture, yield monitoring, and mapping as well as filed work analyses. Her research aim is an integration of these techniques to get complete and precise information about filed, crops, terrain, and soil characteristics.
1. Machine Learning
2. Big Data Analytics
3. Government
- Ljubičić, N., Popović, V., Kostić, M., Radović, M., Radulović, M., Blagojević, D., & Ivošević, B. (2020). Association of canopy spectral reflectance indices and yield components of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). E-AGBIOL – International Agricultural, Biological & Life Science Conference in Edirne, 1-3 September, Edirne, Turkey
- Ljubičić, N., Radović, M., Kostić, M., Popović, V., Radulović, M., Blagojević, D., & Ivošević, B. (2020). The impact of ZnO nanoparticles application on yield components of different wheat genotypes. Agriculture & Forestry 66(2), 217-227 DOI: 10.17707/AgricultForest.66.2.19
- Tešić, D., Blagojević, D., & Lukić, A. (2020). Bringing “smart” into cities to fight pandemics: With the reference to the COVID-19. Researches Review of the Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management 49(1), 99-112 DOI: 10.5937/ZbDght2001099T
- Blagojević, D., Radulović, M., Gavrilov, M. B., Lukić, A., Santo, D., & Marković, S. (2019). Residents’ perception of renewable energy sources – a case study: Temska village, Stara Planina Mountain (Eastern Serbia). Journal of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA 69(3), 271-278 DOI: 10.2298/IJGI1903271B
- Lukić, T., Lukić, A., Basarin, B., Micić Ponjiger, T., Blagojević, D., Mészáros, M., Milanović, M., Gavrilov B., M., Pavić, D., Zorn, M., Komac, B., Miljković, Đ., Sakulski, D., Babić Kekez, S., Morar, C., & Janićević, S. (2019). Rainfall erosivity and extreme precipitation in the Pannonian basin. Open Geosciences 11(1), 664-681 DOI: 10.1515/geo-2019-0053