Milena Jakšić

Position:Research assistant
Academic Rank: Research assistant in the of field natural sciences and mathematics -chemistry
Milena Jakšić works at BioSense Institute as a research assistant. She is PhD student in Biochemistry at Faculty of Natural Sciences within University of Novi Sad, at which she has received her bachelor and master’s degree, as well. Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry based chemical and biochemical analysis represent her research focus, emphasizing portable mass spectrometric systems with application in volatolomics.
1. Mass spectrometry
1. Rašeta, M., Karaman, M., Jakšić, M., Šibul, F., Kebert, M., Novaković, A., Popović, M. (2016) Mineral composition, antioxidant and cytotoxic biopotentials of wild-growing Ganoderma species (Serbia): G. lucidum (Cutis) P. Karst versus G. applanatum (Pers.) Pat. International Journal of Food Science and Technology. 51(12): 2583-259039th Mycotoxin Workshop, Bydgoszcz, Poland, 18-21 June 2017 – Monitoring of Aflatoxin B1 in Serbian maize (since 2012 until 2017)
2. 10th MGPR International Symposiun of Pesticides in food and the Enviroment in Mediterraean Countries, Bologna, Italy, 12-14 Septembar, 2018 – A cup of tea or herbal tea for your health? – Nina Tomcic, Svetlana Cujic, Milena Jaksic, Maja Pandurevic-Todorovic, Jelena Banic-Simicic, Biljana Marosanovic
3. 4th World Congress and Expo on Applied Microbiology, Madrid, Spain, Nov 29-Dec 01 2017, – Natural occurrence of toxigenic molds and their secondary metabolites-Ochratoxin A (OTA) in black and herbal teas on the Serbian market – R.Čobanović, K.Mihajlović, M.Jakšić
4. 10th Instrumental Methods of Analysis (IMA), Heraklion, Greece, 17-21 September, 2017– Comparative determination of fludioxonil by GC/MS/MS and LC/MS/MS in raspberries – M.Jakšić, N.Tomčić, J.Banić-Simičić, S.Ćujić., B.Marošanović
5. 5th International Symposium on Mycotoxins and Toxigenic Moulds: Challenges and Perspectives, Ghent, Belgium, 11th May 2016 – Presence of deoxynivalenol in wheat- and corn-based products produces in Serbia – Hunor Farkas, B. Marosanovic, M. Jaksic, S. Cujic and D. Marinkovic