Maria Kireeva

Position:Senior researcher
Maria Kireeva works as a Senior Researcher at the Center for Information Technologies, BioSense Institute, University of Novi Sad. She obtained her PhD degree in Hydrology, Water Resources, and Geochemistry from Lomonosov Moscow State University in April 2013. Her main research interests are connected with hydrological extremes – droughts and floods, assessments of surface and groundwater resources under changing climate, incorporating machine learning methods and data-driven models in hydrological surveys and forecasts, analyses of hydrological behavior on different scales, creating new algorithms, and software development in geospatial analyses. Maria also focuses on water management in drought conditions and optimizing river runoff regulation.
Between July 2013 and September 2023, Maria was employed at Lomonosov Moscow State University, initially as a Junior Researcher and since 2020 as an Associate Professor at the Land Hydrology Department, Faculty of Geography, Moscow, Russia. During this period, she participated in more than 10 international and Russian national projects as a project leader, principal investigator, and participant. Her work spanned civil protection from hydrological hazards, water resources management in non-stationary climates, Big Data analyses, and implementing machine learning methods for risk management and data-driven modeling. Maria’s contributions resulted in co-authorship in high-impact publications in Science (2017) and Nature (2019, 2022). Additionally, Maria was invited to the Water Sustainability Commission (IGU) and co-organized sessions at the European Geosciences Union (EGU) from 2018 to 2020. She actively participated in the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) Panta Rhei and FRIEND initiatives.
Additionally, Maria has extensive field experience. She organized several expeditions for hydrological engineering surveys in the Arctic and the Far East of Russia, as well as field schools for students of the Land Hydrology department across the Europe and Russia. Currently, Maria’s main research interests include data-driven modeling of hydrological hazards, particularly droughts and their consequences. She is focused on creating early warning systems and algorithms for optimizing water resource management and runoff regulation, as well as studying the interaction between groundwater and surface water in a non-stationary climate.
1. Big Data Analytics
2. Machine Learning
Frolova N.L., Samsonov T.E., Kireeva M.B., Semin V.N., Entin A.L.Web-application “Water regime of rivers of the European territory of Russia”: structure and functional capabilities //Water Management in Russia: Problems, Technologies, Management, № 2, с. 6-22 DOI, 2024
AV Goncharov, AG Georgiadi, IP Milyukova, AA Semenova, MB Kireeva Hydrological conditions of phytophilic fish reproduction in the Lower Don River under the influence of climate change and flow regulation//Hydrobiologia, 1-14 p.2023
AN Gelfan, NL Frolova, DV Magritsky, MB Kireeva, VY Grigoriev Climate Change Impact on the Annual and Maximum Runoff of Russian Rivers: Diagnosis and Projections // Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics 59 (Suppl 2), S153-S169 2023
Miriam Bertola, Günter Blöschl, Milon Bohac, Marco Borga, Attilio Castellarin, Giovanni B Chirico, Pierluigi Claps, Eleonora Dallan, Irina Danilovich, Daniele Ganora, Liudmyla Gorbachova, Ondrej Ledvinka, Maria Mavrova-Guirguinova, Alberto Montanari, Valeriya Ovcharuk, Alberto Viglione, Elena Volpi, Berit Arheimer, Giuseppe Tito Aronica, Ognjen Bonacci, Ivan Čanjevac, Andras Csik, Natalia Frolova, Boglarka Gnandt, Zoltan Gribovszki, Ali Gül, Knut Günther, Björn Guse, Jamie Hannaford, Shaun Harrigan, Maria Kireeva, Silvia Kohnová, Jürgen Komma, Jurate Kriauciuniene, Brian Kronvang, Deborah Lawrence, Stefan Lüdtke, Luis Mediero, Bruno Merz, Peter Molnar, Conor Murphy, Dijana Oskoruš, Marzena Osuch, Juraj Parajka, Laurent Pfister, Ivan Radevski, Eric Sauquet, Kai Schröter, Mojca Šraj, Jan Szolgay, Stephen Turner, Peter Valent, Noora Veijalainen, Philip J Ward, Patrick Willems, Nenad Zivkovic Megafloods in Europe can be anticipated from observations in hydrologically similar catchments// Nature geoscience 16 (11), 982-988 2023
Kreibich Heidi, Schröter Kai, Di Baldassarre Giuliano, Van Loon Anne F., Mazzoleni Maurizio, Abeshu Guta Wakbulcho, Agafonova Svetlana, AghaKouchak Amir, Aksoy Hafzullah, Alvarez-Garreton Camila, Aznar Blanca, Balkhi Laila, Barendrecht Marlies H., Biancamaria Sylvain, Bos-Burgering Liduin, Bradley Chris, Budiyono Yus, Buytaert Wouter, Capewell Lucinda, Carlson Hayley, Cavus Yonca, Couasnon Anaïs, Coxon Gemma, Daliakopoulos Ioannis, de Ruiter Marleen C., Delus Claire, Erfurt Mathilde, Esposito Giuseppe, François Didier, Frappart Frédéric, Freer Jim, Frolova Natalia, Gain Animesh K., Grillakis Manolis, Grima Jordi Oriol, Guzmán Diego A., Huning Laurie S., Ionita Monica, Kharlamov Maxim, Khoi Dao Nguyen, Kieboom Natalie, Kireeva Maria, Koutroulis Aristeidis, Lavado-Casimiro Waldo, Li Hong-Yi, LLasat Maria Carmen, Macdonald David, Mård Johanna, Mathew-Richards Hannah, McKenzie Andrew, Mejia Alfonso, Mendiondo Eduardo Mario, Mens Marjolein, Mobini Shifteh, Mohor Guilherme Samprogna, Nagavciuc Viorica, Ngo-Duc Thanh, Thao Nguyen Huynh Thi, Thao Nhi Pham Thi, Petrucci Olga, Quan Nguyen Hong, Quintana-Seguí Pere, Razavi Saman, Ridolfi Elena, Riegel Jannik, Sadik Md Shibly, Sairam Nivedita, Savelli Elisa, Sazonov Alexey, Sharma Sanjib, Sörensen Johanna, Arguello Souza Felipe Augusto, Stahl Kerstin, Steinhausen Max, Stoelzle Michael, Szalińska Wiwiana, Tang Qiuhong, Tian Fuqiang, Tokarczyk Tamara, Tovar Carolina, Tran Thi Van Thu, van Huijgevoort Marjolein H.J, van Vliet Michelle T.H, Vorogushyn Sergiy, Wagener Thorsten, Wang Yueling, Wendt Doris E., Wickham Elliot, Yang Long, Zambrano-Bigiarini Mauricio, Ward Philip J.
Panta Rhei benchmark dataset: socio-hydrological data of paired events of floods and droughts // Earth System Science Data, том 15, p. 2009-2023 DOI 2023
Rets E.P., Kireeva M.B., Samsonov T.E., Ezerova N.N., Gorbarenko A.V., Frolova N.L.
// Water Resources, Publisher Maik Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing (Russian Federation), Vol 49, № 1, p. 23-37 DOI 2022
Ivanov A.M., Gorbarenko A.V., Kireeva M.B., Povalishnikova E.S. Identifying Climate Change Impacts On Hydrological Behavior On Large-Scale With Machine Learning Algorithms. GEOGRAPHY, ENVIRONMENT, SUSTAINABILITY. 15(3):80-87. 2022
Kreibich Heidi, Van Loon Anne F., Schröter Kai, Ward Philip J., Mazzoleni Maurizio, Sairam Nivedita, Abeshu Guta Wakbulcho, Agafonova Svetlana, AghaKouchak Amir, Aksoy Hafzullah, Alvarez-Garreton Camila, Aznar Blanca, Balkhi Laila, Barendrecht Marlies H., Biancamaria Sylvain, Bos-Burgering Liduin, Bradley Chris, Budiyono Yus, Buytaert Wouter, Capewell Lucinda, Carlson Hayley, Cavus Yonca, Couasnon Anaïs, Coxon Gemma, Daliakopoulos Ioannis, de Ruiter Marleen C., Delus Claire, Erfurt Mathilde, Esposito Giuseppe, François Didier, Frappart Frédéric, Freer Jim, Frolova Natalia, Gain Animesh K., Grillakis Manolis, Grima Jordi Oriol, Guzmán Diego A., Huning Laurie S., Ionita Monica, Kharlamov Maxim, Khoi Dao Nguyen, Kieboom Natalie, Kireeva Maria, Koutroulis Aristeidis, Lavado-Casimiro Waldo, Li Hong-Yi, LLasat María Carmen, Macdonald David, Mård Johanna, Mathew-Richards Hannah, McKenzie Andrew, Mejia Alfonso, Mendiondo Eduardo Mario, Mens Marjolein, Mobini Shifteh, Mohor Guilherme Samprogna, Nagavciuc Viorica, Ngo-Duc Thanh, Nguyen Huynh Thi Thao, Thao Nhi Pham Thi, Petrucci Olga, Nguyen Hong Quan, Quintana-Seguí Pere, Razavi Saman, Ridolf Elena, Riegel Jannik, Sadik Md Shibly, Savelli Elisa, Sazonov Alexey, Sharma Sanjib, Sörensen Johanna, Arguello Souza Felipe Augusto, Stahl Kerstin, Steinhausen Max, Stoelzle Michael, Szalińska Wiwiana, Tang Qiuhong, Tian Fuqiang, Tokarczyk Tamara, Tovar Carolina, Tran Thi Van Thu, Van Huijgevoort Marjolein H.J., van Vliet Michelle T.H., Vorogushyn Sergiy, Wagener Thorsten, Wang Yueling, Wendt Doris E., Wickham Elliot, Yang Long, Zambrano-Bigiarin Mauricio, Blöschl Günter, Di Baldassarre Giuliano The challenge of unprecedented floods and droughts in risk management
// Nature, Nature Publishing Group (United Kingdom), № 608, p. 80-86 DOI 2022
Frolova N.L., Magritskii D.V., Kireeva M.B., Grigor’ev V.Yu, Gelfan A.N., Sazonov A.A., Shevchenko A.I. Streamflow of Russian Rivers under Current and Forecasted Climate Changes: A Review of Publications. 1. Assessment of Changes in the Water Regime of Russian Rivers by Observation Data// Water Resources, Publisher Maik Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing (Russian Federation), Vol 49, № 3, p. 333-350 DOI 2022
Frolova N.L., Povalishnikova E.S., Kireeva M.B. Classification and Zoning of Rivers by Their Water Regime: History, Methodology, and Perspectives// Water Resources, Publisher Maik Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing (Russian Federation), Vol 48, № 2, p. 169-181 DOI 2021
Vasil’chuk Yu, Chizhova Ju, Frolova N., Budantseva N., Kireeva M., Oleynikov A., Tokarev I., Rets E., Vasil’chuk A. A variation of stable isotope composition of snow with altitude on the Elbrus Mountain, Central Caucasus// GEOGRAPHY, ENVIRONMENT, SUSTAINABILITY, Publisher RGO, Vol 13, № 1, p. 172-182 DOI 2022
Kharlamov Maxim, Kireeva Maria Drought dynamics in the East European Plain for the period 1980-2018// E3S Web of Conferences, Publisher EDP Sciences (France), Vol 163, p. 02004 DOI 2020
Kireeva M.B., Rets E.P., Frolova N.L., Samsonov T.E., Povalishnikova E.S., Entin A.L., Durmanov I.N., Ivanov A.M. Occasional Floods On The Rivers Of Russian Plain In The 20Th –21St Centuries// GEOGRAPHY, ENVIRONMENT, SUSTAINABILITY, Vol 13, № 2, p. 84-95 DOI 2020
Frolova N.L., Kireeva M.B., Kharlamov M.A., Samsonov T.E., Entin A.L., Lurie I.K. Mapping of the modern state and transformation of the water regime of the rivers of European Russia (in Russian)// Geodesy and Cartography, Vol. 81, No. 7, p. 14-26 DOI 2020
Rets E.P., Durmanov I.N., Kireeva M.B., Smirnov A.M., Popovnin V.V. Past ‘peak water’ in the North Caucasus: deglaciation drives a reduction in glacial runoff impacting summer river runoff and peak discharges//Climatic Change, Reidel Pub. Co. (Netherlands) DOI 2020
Günter Blöschl, Julia Hall, Alberto Viglione, Perdigão Rui A.P., Juraj Parajka, Bruno Merz, David Lun, Berit Arheimer, Aronica Giuseppe T., Ardian Bilibashi, Miloň Boháč, Ognjen Bonacci, Marco Borga, Ivan Čanjevac, Attilio Castellarin, Chirico Giovanni B., Pierluigi Claps, Natalia Frolova, Daniele Ganora, Liudmyla Gorbachova, Ali Gül, Jamie Hannaford, Shaun Harrigan, Maria Kireeva, Andrea Kiss, Kjeldsen Thomas R., Silvia Kohnová, Koskela Jarkko J., Ondrej Ledvinka, Neil Macdonald, Maria Mavrova-Guirguinova, Luis Mediero, Ralf Merz, Peter Molnar, Alberto Montanari, Conor Murphy, Marzena Osuch, Valeryia Ovcharuk, Ivan Radevski, Salinas José L., Eric Sauquet, Mojca Šraj, Jan Szolgay, Elena Volpi, Donna Wilson, Klodian Zaimi, Nenad Živković Changing climate both increases and decreases European river floods // Nature, Nature Publishing Group (United Kingdom) DOI 2019
Rets Ekaterina P., Popovnin Viktor V., Toropov Pavel A., Smirnov Andrew M., Tokarev Igor V., Chizhova Julia N., Budantseva Nadine A., Vasil’chuk Yurij K., Kireeva Maria B., Ekaykin Alexey A., Veres Arina N., Aleynikov Alexander A., Frolova Natalia L., Tsyplenkov Anatoly S., Poliukhov Aleksei A., Chalov Sergey R., Aleshina Maria A., and Ekaterina D.Kornilova
Djankuat glacier station in the North Caucasus, Russia: a database of glaciological, hydrological, and meteorological observations and stable isotope sampling results during 2007–2017// Earth System Science Data, Vol 11, № 3, с. 1463-1481 DOI 2019
Maria Kireeva, Vladislav Ilich, Natalia Frolova, Maksim Kharlamov, Aleksey Sazonov, Polina Mikhaylyukova Estimation of the impact of climatic and anthropogenic factors on the formation of the extreme low- flow period in the Don river basin during 2007-2016// Geography, Environment, Sustainability, RGS (Moscow) DOI 2019
Rets E.P., Durmanov I.N., Kireeva M.B. Peak Runoff in the North Caucasus: Recent Trends in Magnitude, Variation and Timing// Water Resources, Publisher Maik Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing (Russian Federation), Vol 46, № S1, p. S56-S66 DOI 2019
Maria Kireeva, Natalya Frolova, Ekaterina Rets, Timofey Samsonov, Andrey Entin, Maksim Kharlamov, Ekaterina Telegina & Elena Povalishnikova (2020) Evaluating climate and water regime transformation in the European part of Russia using observation and reanalysis data for the 1945–2015 period, International Journal of River Basin Management, 18:4, 491-502, DOI: 10.1080/15715124.2019.1695258
Magritsky D.V., Frolova N.L., Evstigneev V.M., Povalishnikova E.S., Kireeva M.B., Pakhomova O.M. Long-term changes of river water inflow into the seas of the Russian Arctic sector// Polarforschung, Publisher Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Polarforschung (Germany), Vol 87, № 2, с. 177-194 DOI 2018
Rets E.P., Dzhamalov R.G., Kireeva M.B., Frolova N.L., Durmanov I.N., Telegina A.A., Telegina E.A., Grigoriev V.Yu Recent trends of river runoff in the North Caucasus// GEOGRAPHY, ENVIRONMENT, SUSTAINABILITY, RGS Publisher , Vol 11, № 3, p. 61-70 DOI 2018
Kireeva M.B., Ilich V.P., Sazonov A.A., Mikhailukova P.G. 2018 Assessment of watershed surface transformation and its impact on flow formation conditions in the Don River basin based on satellite imagery data (In Russian)// Modern Problems of Earth Remote Sensing from Space, Vol. 15, No 2, p. 191-200 2018
Günter Blöschl, Julia Hall, Juraj Parajka, Perdigão Rui A.P, Bruno Merz, Berit Arheimer, Aronica Giuseppe T., Ardian Bilibashi, Ognjen Bonacci, Marco Borga, Ivan Čanjevac, Attilio Castellarin, Chirico Giovanni B., Pierluigi Claps, Károly Fiala, Natalia Frolova, Liudmyla Gorbachova, Ali Gül, Jamie Hannaford, Shaun Harrigan, Maria Kireeva, et al. Changing climate shifts timing of European floods// Science, Publisher American Association for the Advancement of Science (United States), Vol 357, № 6351, p. 588-590 DOI 2017
Frolova N.L., Kireeva M.B., Magritсkiy D.V., Bolgov M.B., Kopylov V.N., Hall J., Semenov V.A., Kosolapov A.E., Dorozhkin E.V., Korobkina E.A., Rets E.P., Akutina Y., Dzhamalov R.G., Efremova N.A., Sazonov A.A., Agafonova S.A., Belyakova P.A. Hydrological hazards in Russia: origin, classification, changes and risk assessment// Natural Hazards, Publisher Springer Verlag (Germany), Vol 88, № 1, p. 103-131 DOI 2017
Frolova N.L., Agafonova S.A., Kireeva M.B., Povalishnikova E.S., Pakhomova O.M. Recent changes of annual flow distribution of the Volga basin rivers// GEOGRAPHY, ENVIRONMENT, SUSTAINABILITY, RGS Publisher, Vol 10, № 2, p. 28-39 DOI 2017
Rets E., Chizhova Ju N., Loshakova N., Tokarev I., Kireeva M.B., Budantseva N.A., Vasil’chuk Yu K., Frolova N., Popovnin V., Toropov P., Terskaya E., Smirnov A.M., Belozerov E., Karashova M. Using isotope methods to study alpine headwater regions in the Northern Caucasus and Tien Shan// Frontiers of the Earth Science, Vol 11, № 3, p. 531-543 DOI 2017