Soil Health Guards – Cultivating Soil Connectivity: Empowering Farmers and Youth Community as Citizen Scientists to Monitor Soil Health and Biodiversity
Acronym: Soil Health Guards
Implementation period: 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2025
GA number: 2034
Type of Project: National
Internet presentation:

Project goal: This project aims to involve farmers and youth as citizen scientists, through relevant agricultural organizations and (pre)school institutions, to jointly monitor soil health indicators on the territory of Vojvodina during the period 2024-2025.
About the project: Healthy soils are the foundation of sustainable agriculture. In Serbia, the lack of comprehensive soil monitoring is a critical issue. Citizen science initiatives can bridge this gap by monitoring key soil indicators on a significant temporal and spatial scale. As stewards of land and soil sustainability, farmers and youth offer a great potential to enhance soil connectivity on individual and societal levels. This project aims to engage respective citizen scientist groups, through agricultural organizations and (pre)schools, to jointly monitor selected relevant soil health indicators on the territory of Vojvodina Province. Participants will receive group-tailored training and support from research scientists over two years. Following data collection, validation, and analysis, results will be communicated back to participants to draw conclusions and cultivate awareness of the importance of soil health.