SmartAgriHubs-Connecting the dots to unleash the innovation potential for digital transformation of the European agri-food sector
Acronym: SmartAgriHubs
Implementation period: 01/11/2018 - 31/10/2022
GA number: 818182
Type of Project: Horizon 2020
Internet presentation:

Project aim is to realize the digitization of European agriculture by fostering an agricultural innovation ecosystem dedicated to excellence, sustainability, and success.
About the project: The project is working on consolidation, activation, and extension of the current ecosystem by building a network of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) that will boost the uptake of digital solutions by the farming sector. This will be achieved by integrating technology and business support in a local one-stop-shop approach involving all regions and all relevant players in Europe.
The heart of the project is formed by 28 flagship innovation experiments demonstrating digital innovations in agriculture, facilitated by DIHs from nine Regional Clusters including all European member states. Concurrently, the project will improve the maturity of innovation services of DIHs so that digital innovations will be replicated across Europe and widely adopted by European farmers.
A lean multi-actor approach focusing on user acceptability, stakeholder engagement and sustainable business models will boost technology and market readiness levels and bring user adoption to the next level. This will be enhanced by synergetic effects between SAHs and the Regional Strategy for Research and Innovation for Smart Specialization – RIS3, since the project will work with European regions to maximize the return of European investments, including regional structural funds and private capital. Open Calls with a total budget of ±6 M€ will expand the network and ensure that technological developments and emerging challenges of the agri-food sector are incorporated in the DIH service portfolio.
SAHs inclusive structure and ambitious targets will bring the entire European ecosystem together, connecting the dots to ensure global leadership for Europe in the AgTech market. The consortium, led by Wageningen Research and other partners of previous key projects such as IoF2020, FIWARE, S3P Agri-Food and I4MS, will leverage the existing ecosystem and guarantee a maximum ROI for European taxpayers and a vital agri-food sector producing adequate and safe food for future generations.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 818182.
1) Digital Innovation Hubs
2) BioSense Accelerator