Optimization of sampling location and number of soil samples based on processing of satellite images of plots and zoning in order to reduce costs
Implementation period: 13/07/2020 - 12/07/2021
Type of Project: National

Project aim: Development of algorithms that will, based on time series of satellite images of soil and crops, altitude and geo-morphology, spatially define the management zones on the plot, the optimal number of positions for soil sampling and their distribution within the zones.
About the project:
Following the realization of this project, agricultural producers will have:
1. Automated zoning of the plot
2. Geo-referenced plan of optimal soil sampling
3. Assistance in the guidance during sampling
4. Reduction of sampling costs and soil analysis
5. Basis for optimal plant nutrition on the whole plot
Extension services and individual advisors will:
1. Acquire modern knowledge in this field
2. Have a basis for developing fertility maps
3. Have a basis for recommendations in the form of variable basic fertilization
4. Get instructions for using innovative technology in the form of a brochure
In this way, digitization, and automation in the process of land sampling will be encouraged.
1) Government
2) Drone Imaging
3) Satellite imaging
4) Sentinel Data Hub
5) Geospatial data analytics
6) Machine Learning