The use of satellite images during the growing season in order to visualize crop variation and develop maps for rational variable nitrogen supplementation
Implementation period: 13/07/2020 - 12/07/2021
Type of Project: National

Project aim: To use new technologies, digital tools and expert knowledge in order to enable agricultural producers to use the developed software solution for fast digital recommendations for variable nitrogen supplementation. That will also provide an insight into crop variability, more rational application of nitrogen fertilizers, the bad impact on the environment will be reduced and profitability of production will be increased.
About the project:
Following the realization of this project, agricultural producers will have:
1. Automatic obtaining of a variable fertilization plan in the form of maps ready for use in machine software
2. Free input and distribution of the amount of fertilizer in the proposed zones
3. Improved fertilization planning
4. Savings in fertilizer consumption
5. More efficient supply of plants with nitrogen
6. Increased yield
7. Lower level of environmental impact (reduction of nitrate leaching)
Extension services and individual advisors will:
1. Acquire the latest knowledge in this field
2. Be educated about the possibilities of using satellite technology for recommendation of variable nitrogen supplementation
3. Get instructions for using innovative technology in the form of a brochure
In this way, a new value will be created in the field of production and that will contribute to a greater degree of digitization and automation of activities during the process of crop nutrition.
1) Government
2) Drone Imaging
3) Satellite imaging
4) Sentinel Data Hub
5) Geospatial data analytics
6) Machine Learning
7) Feature Engineering
8) Deep Learning