E-SHAPE- EuroGEOSS showcases-Applications Powered by Europe
Acronym: E-SHAPE
Implementation period: 01/05/2019 - 23/04/2023
GA number: 820852
Type of Project: Horizon 2020
Internet presentation: https://e-shape.eu/
Project aim: The goal of the project is to establish and promote a sustainable organization dedicated to the use of European EO resources, building on Copernicus and GEOSS through the development of co-pilots for joint design (products, services, or application-oriented solutions) based on users and providing economic, social, and political values to European citizens. The objectives of the proposal are 1) to develop EO operational services for active users in key social sectors; 2) to demonstrate the benefits of EO pilots through the coordinated use of EO data and the use of existing EO resources; 3) to promote the acceptance of pilots at the national and international level, 4) to enable the long-term sustainability of many pilots, their penetration into the public and private market and to support their upgrading; 5) increase acceptance by raising awareness of solutions developed through tailored and well-targeted communication, dissemination and information activities.
About the project: The E-SHAPE proposal was driven by the need to develop operational EO services with users, creating a favorable environment in which Europe’s forces are used to address societal challenges, foster entrepreneurship, and support sustainable development. It also has the ambition to provide information and contribute to GEO engagements (SDG, Paris Agreement and Sendai Framework) through the development of 27 pilots organized in 7 showcases.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 820852
1) Ecology Platforms