EnviLife – Sustainable environmental monitoring and prediction of pollutants spread
Acronym: EnviLife
Implementation period: 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2026
GA number: 7335
Type of Project: Science Fund of the Republic Serbia

Project goal: EnviLife project enables a multidisciplinary approach to building a reliable data processing-based tool for predicting contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) spread over arable soil and surface water used for irrigation.
About the project: The key role of BioSense in EnviLife project will be improvements to existing portable mass spectrometers with the development of a miniature membrane sample inlet and pre-concentrator for fast separation of toxic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in water. Another aspect will be providing mapping of contaminants spread in the soil, which will provide a supplementary layer for the selection of sampling locations. The dataset with relevant environmental factors will be created from open-source databases to generate the final map of contaminants spread in the soil over the study area, various machine learning algorithms will be tried out and evaluated using cross-validation. The results will be integrated into a final system in the form of a map that will include pollutants spread across all pilot locations.