eLTER PPP- eLTER preparatory phase project
Acronym: eLTER PPP
Implementation period: 01/02/2020 - 31/01/2025
GA number: 871126
Type of Project: Horizon 2020
Internet presentation: https://www.lter-europe.net/projects/PPP

Project aim: The EU-funded eLTER PPP project is opening an important chapter in the development of a permanent infrastructure for long-term ecosystem, critical zone and socio-ecological research.
About the project: The European Long-Term Ecosystem Research (LTER) is an essential component of the worldwide efforts to better understand ecosystems. A major constituent of LTER is its research infrastructure – eLTER RI – which is expected to operate in 2027. The preparatory phase project will enable the significant improvement of LTER’s research infrastructure in areas such as organisation, business model and legal basis. This implies reconciling the interests of currently over 160 institutions from 19 countries that support the scientific concept as infrastructure users.
The eLTER PPP project will pave the way for a new kind of transdisciplinary research on ecosystems.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 871126.
1) Ecology Platforms