ClieNFarms-Climate Neutral Farms
Acronym: ClieNFarms
Implementation period: 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2025
GA number: 101036822
Type of Project: Horizon 2020

Project aim: ClieNFarms aims to demonstrate, evaluate and improve technical, organizational and financial solutions at the farm level that will contribute to achieving climate-neutrality of European agriculture by 2050.
About the project: In order to reduce GHG-emissions by at least 50% by 2050 compared with 1990 levels and increases carbon sequestration and storage a strong systemic approach is required. Different single solutions exist for different production systems, but if one wants to break the glass ceiling new organizational, technical and financial solutions are requested. These solutions have to be supported by voluntarist policies. ClieNFarms is based on 20 demonstration case studies (I3S) where systemic innovative solutions will be tested and evaluated using up-to-date modeling approaches and multicriteria assessment tools. These case-studies will pave the diversity of the production systems (crops, cattle, dairy, special crop productions, etc.) and the diversity of geographical situations (from East to West and North to South of Europe, plus one in New-Zealand). The solutions will be co-designed with farmers and the surrounding ecosystem (R&D, finance, supply chain, etc.) through creative arena in a living-lab like structure. Involving finance and supply chain will help creating an enabling environment for farmers transition to climate-neutral farms. I3S structure aims to allow for 1 demonstration farm to reach 10 lead commercial farms and then 100 outreach farms. With the help of the supply a much larger number of farmers will be reached. All the solutions will be recorded in the ClieNFarms data hub that will be an open catalog for everyone interested in climate mitigation in the agricultural sector. Different guidelines and tools will be part of the outputs of the projects. A large dissemination of the results project will be made through professional newspapers, scientific articles, social networks, etc. ClieNFarms will also develop bricks for capacity building allowing to show in a short sequence pros and cons of the different solutions and tools. ClieNFarms will create a dialog with other on-going project and with the EC. ClieNFarms gather 33 partners and will last 4 years.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 101036822.
1) Living Lab