Anja Šepa

Anja Šepa, MSc is employed as Junior researcher in the Centre for Information Technologies. She graduated at the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Economics in Subotica in 2014 and obtained her MSc degree in the area of Accounting and Audit in 2015. Currently, she is a PhD student at the same Faculty where she continues her scientific research in the field of Business Management. Her research area is in the field of finance, valuation of agricultural land and agroeconomics, with the aim of getting precise financial information about application of ICT in agriculture.
1. Agrobot for in-field soil analysis
2. Archeozoology
- Milić, D., Tica, N., Zekić, V., Popov, M., Mihajlov, Z., & Šepa, A. (2020). Methods for assessing the economic viability of biogas plant investments. Journal on Processing and Energy in Agriculture, 24(1), 13-17.
- Tica, A. (2015). Ocena boniteta korisnika kredita/Financial analysis as an instrument for the evaluation of credit ability of the debtor. Agroekonomika/Agrieconomica.
- Tica A. (2015). Provera transfernih cena u poljoprivrednim preduzećima primenom tradicionalnih transakcionih metoda. Traktori i pogonske mašine. 20(2), 6-15.