Jasna Mastilović

Position:Senior researcher
Dr. Jasna Mastilović, PhD in Biotechnology, from the University of Novi Sad, Serbia, and MBA in Marketing, from the University of Sheffield, UK is engaged in BIOS in the position of senior researcher. She has over 30 years of experience in research related to food safety, food shelf life, food nutritional properties, and the development of innovative food products. She is teaching the Development of new food products for master’s students at two Universities in the Western Balkans region, the University of Donja Gorica in Montenegro, and the University of East Sarajevo in Bosnia and Herzegovina. She participated in the development and drafting of the Smart Specialization Strategy of Serbia, as the coordinator of the entrepreneurial discovery process for the priority area Food for Future and she actively participates in the process of restructuring and upgrading innovation capacities and the innovation ecosystem in Serbia supported by European Commission and World Bank. Her current interest in research is the optimization of food value chains with a focus on fresh produce postharvest technologies with emphasis on the development of solutions benefiting from contemporary sensing technologies and the application of computer vision and AI tools to optimize the preservation of products’ quality, extending shelf life and minimizing waste and losses. With experience in research management, communication with quadruple helix stakeholders, and networking, she contributes to the focus and diversification of research funding in BioSense.